Fair trade


 At Golden State Stones, we take pride in our commitment to ethical sourcing,  fair trade, and sustainability . We are committed to providing documentation that proves the ethical sourcing of our gemstones. This documentation serves as evidence of our dedication to supporting fair trade practices, protecting the environment, and ensuring the well-being of the communities involved in the mining and production processes.

When you purchase gemstones from Golden State Stones, you can trust that:

  1. Fair Trade Practices: We work directly with trusted suppliers who adhere to fair trade principles. This means that the miners and artisans involved in the production of our gemstones are paid fair wages and work in safe conditions.
  2. Environmental Responsibility: We prioritize environmentally friendly practices throughout our supply chain. Our suppliers follow strict guidelines to minimize the impact of mining on ecosystems and promote sustainable mining techniques.
  3. Community Support: We believe in giving back to the communities that contribute to our business. By sourcing gemstones ethically, we support local economies and help improve the livelihoods of the people involved in the gemstone industry.

To ensure the authenticity and ethical sourcing of our gemstones, we provide the following documentation:

  1. Certificates of Origin: Each gemstone comes with a certificate of origin that verifies its source and ensures it has been obtained legally and responsibly.
  2. Third-Party Certifications: We also work with reputable third-party organizations that certify the ethical sourcing of our gemstones. These certifications provide an additional layer of assurance for our customers.

At Golden State Stones, we are proud to offer you a wide selection of ethically sourced gemstones. We believe that by choosing our products, you are not only acquiring a beautiful piece of nature but also supporting sustainable practices and making a positive impact on the gemstone industry.

Shop with confidence knowing that our commitment to transparency and ethical sourcing is at the heart of everything we do.