


   Welcome to the captivating realm of iolite gemstones! we are thrilled to share with you the wonders and unique characteristics of this extraordinary gemstone.

Iolite, also known as "water sapphire" due to its mesmerizing blue-violet hue, is a gemstone that has been cherished for centuries. Its name is derived from the Greek word "ios," meaning violet. Renowned for its stunning color and remarkable optical properties, iolite has captivated the hearts of gemstone enthusiasts worldwide.

One of the most fascinating aspects of iolite is its pleochroism, which means it exhibits different colors when viewed from different angles. This phenomenon is truly mesmerizing, as iolite can display shades of blue, violet, and even grayish tones, depending on the angle of observation. This unique characteristic makes each iolite gemstone a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

Not only is iolite visually stunning, but it also possesses excellent durability, making it suitable for various jewelry applications. With a hardness rating of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, iolite is relatively resistant to scratches and can withstand everyday wear. This durability, combined with its captivating color, makes iolite an ideal choice for engagement rings, earrings, pendants, and other exquisite jewelry pieces.

Furthermore, iolite is believed to possess metaphysical properties that can enhance one's intuition and spiritual growth. It is said to stimulate the third eye chakra, promoting clarity of thought and aiding in decision-making. Many individuals also consider iolite as a stone of inner vision, helping to unlock hidden insights and uncover one's true purpose.

At Golden State Stones, we take pride in offering a wide selection of high-quality iolite gemstones. Each gemstone is carefully sourced and meticulously inspected to ensure its authenticity and superior quality. Whether you are a collector, jewelry designer, or simply an admirer of exquisite gemstones, our store is your ultimate destination for all your iolite needs.

Explore our collection of iolite gemstones and discover the allure and beauty that this remarkable stone has to offer. From faceted iolite gemstones to cabochons and beads, we have a diverse range of options to suit your preferences and creative endeavors.



